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Call for Participation
CHI2006 is introducing a number of innovations to help the CHI conference appeal to a wider audience. We have made significant structural changes to encourage the broader participation of CHI's communities of practice and to provide new ways to bring interesting work to the conference. If you plan to submit to CHI2006, please read this carefully. I hope you will be as excited about these changes as we are. Our theme for 2006 is "Interact. Inform. Inspire." We see CHI as the place where a set of loosely connected communities with common goals comes together. In addition to viewing the conference as a place to share your work with your core community, we encourage each of you to take the opportunity to interact with folks from other communities, inform each other, and inspire yourself and others to bring new ideas back to your own work and community. Going forward, submissions to CHI will be organized around CHI's communities: Design, Education, Engineering, Management, Research, and Usability. Community chairs will handle most of the material for each community. We hope this will increase the visibility of these CHI communities at the conference and enable submissions in these areas to be reviewed by members of the relevant community to community-appropriate standards. The six communities (see box for definitions) will accept non-archival submissions for a variety of presentation venues - Panels, Interactivity, Experience Reports, SIGs, and HCI Overviews. The communities have also opened their submissions to novel presentation models not used at CHI before. If a submitter can make the case for the value of an activity to the CHI community, we will do our best to find a way to host it. Please see the individual community sections for the kinds of submissions they are especially trying to attract. Since CHI communities have overlapping and intersecting interests, you may find that your topic appears to fit in multiple communities. Please click through to those communities' pages to learn more about the submissions they are interested in; you may also contact the community chair to discuss the relevance of your topic. If you remain uncertain after reading the detailed calls for participation, or you believe that your topic crosses community boundaries, send mail to chi2006-tp@acm.org. We will find the best segment of the technical program for both review and presentation of your work.
All archival submissions, no matter which community they are focused on or whether they cross community boundaries, should be submitted to one of two venues: traditional Papers and a new category called CHI Notes. CHI Notes are 4 page papers, due at the same time as Papers, which will be rigorously reviewed and will appear in the conference proceedings. They are modeled on the successful UIST Technotes and CSCW Notes venues. Accepted Notes will be included in paper sessions, with a shorter presentation time than Papers. The Papers and Notes chairs will work with the various community chairs to make sure that appropriate reviewers are selected for archival contributions from their community. CHI Courses are another new venue - a different way of providing professional development for attendees. They will be integrated with the rest of the technical program (with the conference expanded to four days) as 1.5 hour segments. A course can be anywhere from 1-4 segments long. Conference participants will be able to attend courses as space permits under the basic registration fee, so we expect all accepted courses to be well attended. We hope that potential instructors will use the new format to come up with professional development opportunities that haven't been available to CHI attendees before. In addition, there will be the traditional CHI venues of Doctoral Consortium and Workshops, to be held the weekend before the conference (April 22-23). You will find them unchanged from previous years. We are also bringing back the highly successful Student Design Competition. Finally, there will be Work-in-Progress submissions, with a later submission deadline than other categories. These will be quickly reviewed and presented as posters. Work-in-Progress submissions are invited on topics relevant to all communities. Do note that the Technical Program is highly competitive in all categories. Historically, acceptance rates for many CHI venues are quite low. Please take seriously the submission requirements for completeness of the work and the expected level of contribution and benefit. The submission dates for the different submission categories are in the table below.
Before you submit anything, we recommend you read the following sections of the Call for Participation: Guide to Successful Submissions: Papers and CHI Notes Guide to Successful Submissions: Video How to determine whether to submit a Paper, a CHI Note or a Work-in-Progress Conference Proceedings Publication Format Conference Extended Abstracts Publication Format Standard Technology Support We look forward to seeing you in Montréal, a city of great vitality for a conference of equal vitality. Robin Jeffries |