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Research has always been a mainstay of the CHI technical program, and we are justly proud of our reputation as the place where the best HCI research can be found. We expect to continue that tradition this year. To the traditional CHI research categories, we have added CHI Notes, a rigorously reviewed set of shorter (4 page) research contributions. But in addition to our highly selective archival publications, we very much want researchers to contribute to the parts of the program that are intended to get you excited, to educate you about topics that are relevant to a broad group of researchers, and to connect you with colleagues working in similar areas. Because one of the main goals of HCI research is to influence HCI practice, we expect that there will be many links with themes and activities offered by the other CHI communities participating in this conference. We strongly encourage you to submit multi-community proposals that look at HCI research in the context of design, education, engineering, management, or usability. Types of submissions CHI Papers, CHI Notes, works-in-progress, and workshops should be submitted directly to the category chairs. Panels, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), the Interactivity, and HCI Overviews are submitted as community submissions and reviewed to community appropriate standards. Keep in mind that CHI Papers and CHI Notes are archival submissions, whereas the other categories do not have that status. Panels Panels are an exciting format for encouraging thoughtful and provocative discussion about issues that impact HCI research. If the topic can be considered from several different perspectives, it may make a good panel topic. For a panel to be exciting, panelists must take different positions. Some topics that might make interesting panel discussions include:
Special interest groups provide an opportunity for those who share an interest to come together to explore ideas. They can take many forms. They can be discussions, planned presentations, question and answer sessions. Special Interest Groups offer an excellent way for bringing together groups of HCI researchers. Some possible SIG topics are:
These are demonstrations of research projects where interacting with the artifact in question is an essential part of understanding the work that was done. Innovative work that you just have to see and touch to really get is ideal for the interactivity category. Interactivity submissions can be for any kind of innovative demonstrations - the judging criteria are based on the value to the CHI audience of interacting with this work. HCI Overviews Overviews provide us with information about a particular research institution. This might be a department, an interdisciplinary institute or a multi-organizational program. We are looking for big picture overviews of work done by many participants, and what brings them together. A description of a single research project would be appropriate for papers or work-in-progress; an HCI Overview should focus on the long term themes of a larger group. Novel formats Remember, we are open to other ideas as well. If you feel your work would be of interest to the CHI research community, but does not fit any of the mentioned formats, please contact us at chi2006-research@acm.org to discuss the best way to submit and present your work. Mentoring CHI 2006 will try to provide mentors for individuals planning to submit an Interactivity. Please see Mentoring for more information. The deadline to request a mentor is 14 July 2005. Review Criteria All submissions will be reviewed based on the clarity of the information and the potential contribution to the field of Research. The individual submission categories have additional review criteria (which you can find in the description of each category). Preparing Your Submission Please see the pages on Panels, SIGs,, HCI Overviews, and the Interactivity for detailed information on what information is needed for each type of submission. All community submissions will use the Conference Extended Abstracts Publication Format. Submissions for Panels, HCI Overviews, and novel formats are to be sent to chi2006-research@acm.org no later than 14 October 2005, 5:00 PM (1700) PDT. Submissions to the Interactivity and are to be uploaded to the CHI 2006 submission website by the same deadline. SIG proposals should be sent to chi2006-research@acm.org by 13 January 2006, 5:00 PM (1700) PST. Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered. Upon Acceptance You will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of your submission the week of 16 December 2005. Accepted submissions will be published in the conference Extended Abstracts. The contact person will receive instructions for preparing the final version of the extended abstract and other information about presentation logistics. Research Community Submission Checklist