The review form for CHI Papers and CHI Notes requests the following information:
Rate your expertise in the topic area of this paper. The review form allows the reviewer to select from a range of levels of expertise.
State what contribution the paper makes to the field of Human-Computer Interaction in your view.
Provide a written review of the paper. Reviews should address the following 4 issues:
- Relevant previous work of which you are aware, against which this paper's contribution should be assessed.
- Significance of the paper's contribution to HCI and the benefit that others can gain from the contribution: why do the contribution and benefit matter?
- Validity of the work presented: how confidently can researchers and practitioners take up the results?
- Originality of the work: what new ideas or approaches are introduced?
We want to emphasize that an acceptable paper must make a clear contribution to Human-Computer Interaction. CHI values substance and contribution more than formality and perfection.
Identify aspects of the paper's written presentation that need improvement.
- 5 - Definite accept: I would argue strongly for accepting this paper.
- 4 - Probably accept: I would argue for accepting this paper.
- 3 - Borderline: Overall I would not argue for accepting this paper.
- 2 - Probably reject: I would argue for rejecting this paper.
- 1 - Definite reject: I would argue strongly for rejecting this paper.
The review form contains a text box to allow the reviewer to provide any additional comments about the Paper, Note, or his/her review.
Please submit your reviews through the CHI Submission website.